KIJONKA, Norbert
KIJONKA, Norbert
by Czechy
Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Wzrost w przybliżeniu
175 - 180 cm
Kolor oczu
Data rodzenia
Status sprawy
Sentenced to 6,5 years of prison
on Wrzesień 23, 2022, last modified on Styczeń 26, 2023


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FAST Czech Republic

The wanted person was sentenced for 6.5 years for drug offenses. He has been hiding from the authorities since 2016. He is also suspected of continuing in his criminal activities as a member of an organized crime group. He organizes the production and sale of drugs. He moves mainly in the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. He uses forged documents. He is armed and very dangerous, as he has military training. He is able to use his illegal guns against others. He looks for the company of drug-addicted women, he likes fast cars and powerful motorcycles. The competent judicial authority in the Czech Republic issued the European arrest warrant against him.

The website’s content is managed and published by national ENFAST teams in EU Member States, whose administrators upload their countries’ most wanted fugitives, and will directly receive any leads about them.     
Fugitives searched by ENFAST (supported by Europol)

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