by Slovaška
Kaznivo dejanje
Attempted Murder
Datum rojstva
Status primera
Sentenced to 8 years of prison
on November 30, 2021, last modified on December 2, 2021


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Če policiji lahko pomagate najti osebo, vstavite informacije v to polje
FAST Slovakia
1. On 14 January 2020, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic issued a European Arrest Warrant under the procedure number: 2 To 12/2018 / PK-2T / 21/2014 / for a particularly serious criminal offense in the stage of preparation pursuant to § 13 para. 1 to § 144 par. 1, par. 2 letter d /, letter f / TZ with reference to § 139 par. 1 letter c / TZ, § 127 par. 4. TZ
2. On 14 January 2020, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic issued an Order for delivery to the execution of a sentence under the proceedings number: 2 To 12/2018 / PK-2T / 21/2014 / for a particularly serious crime of assassination in the preparation stage . 1 to § 144 par. 1, par. 2 letter d /, letter f / TZ with reference to § 139 par. 1 letter c / TZ, § 127 par. 4. TZ.
3. On June 9, 2020, the Specialized Criminal Court in Pezinok issued an International Arrest Warrant for the wanted person under the case number PK-2T / 21/2014 for a particularly serious criminal offense in the stage of preparation pursuant to § 13 para. 1 to § 144 par. 1, par. 2 letter d /, letter f / TZ with reference to § 139 par. 1 letter c / TZ, § 127 par. 4. TZ.


According to the indictment, the businesswoman ordered the murder of her husband from on 15. January 2014 and wanted to pay 50,000 euros for it. However, the murder executor turned to the police and became a crown witness.
The day of the murder was to be January 24, 2014. She planned to declare her  husband missing after two years, and thus get the rest of their house. According to the crown witness, the reason why she wanted to get rid of her husband is also that she did not want to "feed her husband".

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